LGBT troops on Ukraine's front line fight homophobia at home

Gay marriage is illegal in Ukraine. Activists hope the LGBT troops at the front can change minds.
2024-06-25 12:08:51

Georgia plans anti-LGBT+ legislation

Post Content
2024-06-04 22:08:40

Veterans demand Commons debate on review into past armed forces gay ban

Campaigners are accusing the government of failing on its key pledges over LGBT veterans ban.
2023-12-11 02:06:49

Russia LGBT: Police raid Moscow gay clubs, media say

The reported raids come a day after the country's Supreme Court outlawed the "LGBT movement".
2023-12-02 18:07:04

Russian court bans 'LGBT movement'

Russia's Supreme Court declares the "international LGBT public movement" an extremist organisation.
2023-11-30 14:09:17

Russia seeks extremist label for LGBT movement

The measure could leave any LGBT activist in the country vulnerable to criminal prosecution.
2023-11-17 18:07:45

World Press Photo exhibition: Hungary museum head sacked over LGBT content

A top curator is accused of breaking a controversial law that restricts materials for under-18s.
2023-11-06 18:07:24

South Korea court upholds ban on gay sex in the military

The ruling is a setback in the fight for LGBT rights in the country, human rights groups say.
2023-10-27 10:15:05

Canada warns LGBT travellers of US risks

The Canadian government warns that some US states have enacted laws that may affect LBGT people.
2023-08-30 17:15:25

China crackdown pushes LGBT groups into the shadows

It comes as the largest LGBT celebration in the country has been suspended since 2021.
2023-06-28 05:07:34

Poland: Thousands march in Warsaw for LGBT rights ahead of elections

Same-sex relationships are not legally recognised in Poland and gay couples cannot adopt children.
2023-06-18 02:07:20

South Korea: Police clash with officials over Daegu LGBT event

City workers led by the mayor tried to block the annual pride event, but police intervened.
2023-06-17 19:11:28

For China?s LGBTQ community, safe spaces are becoming harder to find

Post Content
2023-06-13 11:11:00

Beijing LGBT Center shuttered as crackdown grows in China

Post Content
2023-05-16 18:13:47

Uganda anti-gay laws: Beaten and forced to flee for being LGBT

Post Content
2023-05-04 03:07:10

San Francisco to repeal boycott of anti-LGBT states

Post Content
2023-04-27 06:08:18

Abused gay men don't see themselves as victims - study

Researchers heard LGBT victims' harrowing accounts of violence, rape and psychological abuse.
2023-04-14 05:07:10

LGBT: Ugandan refugees in Wales speak out on anti-gay bill

Post Content
2023-04-02 13:10:50

UN and US join chorus of condemnation against Uganda's hardline anti-LGBT bill

The United Nations and United States on Wednesday added to international outrage over a hardline bill passed by Ugandan lawmakers that criminalizes simply identifying as LGBTQ+, prescribes a life sentence for convicted homosexuals and a death penalty for "aggravated homosexuality."
2023-03-30 11:07:10

LGBT+ History Month: Matthew Mitcham's troubled path to historic Olympic gold

Matthew Mitcham made history in 2008, becoming the first openly gay male individual Olympic champion, but it was a troubled path on the way.
2021-02-22 11:05:59

LGBT+ History Month: Gareth Thomas on living with HIV - and dispelling its myths

Former British and Irish Lions rugby union captain Gareth Thomas describes being diagnosed with HIV as "petrifying" but is now using his profile to dispel myths around the virus.
2021-02-24 08:06:18

LGBT+ History Month: Gareth Thomas on living with HIV - and dispelling its myths

Former British and Irish Lions rugby union captain Gareth Thomas describes being diagnosed with HIV as "petrifying" but is now using his profile to dispel myths around the virus.
2021-02-24 08:06:18

'It's better to be comfortable with who you are' - Super League referee Child talks about being gay

Super League referee James Child speaks publicly about being gay for the first time in an exclusive interview for the BBC's LGBT Sport Podcast.
2021-02-25 10:07:01

Richards' journey from tennis outcast to trans pioneer

As part of LGBT+ History Month, BBC Sport explores the story of transgender tennis player Renee Richards, who won a legal challenge to play at the 1977 US Open as a woman.
2021-02-26 08:06:25

Egy szexológus szerint semmi meglepő sincs abban, hogy heteró férfiak más férfiakkal fekszenek le

Dr. Joe Kort felforgatta az online teret, amikor elindította a TikTok-csatornáját. A michigani szexológus olyan, tabunak számító témákat feszeget rövid videóiban, mint például, hogy miért fekszenek le férfiakkal heteroszexuális férfiak ? írja a LadBible című brit bulvárlap. Kort azt mondja, attól, hogy egy férfi lefekszik egy másik férfival, még nem lesz meleg, vagy biszexuális. A meleg férfiak kizárólag férfiakhoz vonzódnak, a biszexuálisok pedig férfiakhoz és nőkhöz egyaránt. Egy férfinak azonban nem kell feltétlenül vonzódnia egy másik emberhez ahhoz, hogy lefeküdjön vele. Elég, ha csak a ...
2021-03-02 10:05:53

Poland activists acquitted over LGBT Virgin Mary

Three women, who faced up to two years in jail, were found not guilty of offending religious feelings.
2021-03-02 12:06:31

Black celebrities show support for LGBTQ community in Ghana after raid on center

Black celebrities are urging Ghana's President Nana Akufo-Addo to work with LGBTQ community leaders after security forces raided and shut down an LGBTQ center in the West African country's capital last week.
2021-03-02 18:05:42

In pictures: Thousands attend LGBT Mardi Gras in Sydney

Thousands gathered for the event, which was scaled back over Covid-19 safety concerns.
2021-03-06 17:06:30

Being gay in Ghana: LGBT community is ?under attack?

Since the country?s first LGBT safe space was closed down by police, queer Ghanaians are "not safe".
2021-03-11 03:06:49

EU declared 'LGBT freedom zone' in response to Poland's 'LGBT-free zones'

MEP's overwhelmingly support a resolution that aims for all people in the EU to live "without fear".
2021-03-11 22:06:40

LGBT rights: New threat for Poland's 'rainbow families'

A new law aims to close a loophole that is the only remaining way for LGBT people to adopt children.
2021-03-17 02:07:15

Cured: How mental illness was used as a tool against LGBT rights

A new film recalls the fight to overturn the US labelling of gay people as having a mental illness.
2021-03-25 09:07:15

German priests defy Vatican ban and bless same-sex unions

The Catholic Church has lost touch with the "living reality" of LGBT+ people, said one of more than 100 German priests who are defying the Vatican this week by blessing same-sex couples.
2021-05-11 13:05:50

German priests defy Vatican ban and bless same-sex unions

The Catholic Church has lost touch with the "living reality" of LGBT+ people, said one of more than 100 German priests who are defying the Vatican this week by blessing same-sex couples.
2021-05-11 20:05:40

German priests defy Vatican ban and bless same-sex unions

The Catholic Church has lost touch with the "living reality" of LGBT+ people, said one of more than 100 German priests who are defying the Vatican this week by blessing same-sex couples.
2021-05-11 20:05:41

Pride Month: Reasons to be proud of the progress made in sport

To mark the start of Pride Month, the BBC's LGBT Sport Podcast presenter Jack Murley suggests that there has never been a better time to be LGBTQ+ in sport.
2021-06-01 08:06:08

Florida bans transgender athletes from female sports

Florida is the latest Republican-led state to reject national pro-LGBT policies.
2021-06-02 12:06:31

Hungary LGBT: Content aimed at children to be banned

Critics say the legislation is similar to Russia's ban on "gay propaganda" targeting minors.
2021-06-11 13:06:27

Jelentősen nőtt az azonos nemű házasságok támogatása Magyarországon

Közzétette az Ipsos a nemzetközi LGBT+ Pride 2021 című kutatása eredményeit amely sok izgalmas tanulsággal szolgál. A tanulmány négy fő kategóriát vizsgál: a nemi identitást és szexuális orientációt, az LMBT közösségek nyílt jelenlétét, a házasság és gyereknevelés kérdéseit, illetve az egyenlőség és a láthatóság témakörét. A kutatás 2021 tavaszán zajlott, 27 különböző országban kérdezet összesen 19 069 embert. A vizsgálatban résztvevők kora 16 és 74 év közé esett. Igaz, bizonyos országokban az alsó korhatár 18 év volt. A résztvevő országok közül 16-ban reprezentatívnak tekinthetők az eredmé...
2021-06-14 23:05:59

Hungary's parliament passes anti-LGBT law ahead of 2022 election

Hungary's parliament passed legislation on Tuesday that bans the dissemination of content in schools deemed to promote homosexuality and gender change, amid strong criticism from human rights groups and opposition parties.
2021-06-15 16:05:44

Hungary's parliament passes anti-LGBT law ahead of 2022 election

Hungary's parliament passed legislation on Tuesday that bans the dissemination of content in schools deemed to promote homosexuality and gender change, amid strong criticism from human rights groups and opposition parties.
2021-06-15 16:05:45

Alaska Airlines reveals new Pride-themed livery

America's Alaska Airlines has unveiled a special Pride-themed plane to celebrate LGBT communities. The Airbus A320 has been decorated with rainbow stripes and inclusive colors.
2021-06-17 14:05:42

In pictures: Thousands take part in Poland's Pride march

People gather in Warsaw amid a backdrop of rising discrimination against Poland's LGBT community.
2021-06-20 04:06:01

Thousands march for LGBT equality in Polish capital

Thousands marched through central Warsaw on Saturday in an "Equality Parade" demanding an end to discrimination against the LGBT community, amid what campaigners say has been a rising tide of homophobia in Poland in recent years.
2021-06-20 11:05:43

Thousands march for LGBT equality in Polish capital

Thousands marched through central Warsaw on Saturday in an "Equality Parade" demanding an end to discrimination against the LGBT community, amid what campaigners say has been a rising tide of homophobia in Poland in recent years.
2021-06-20 15:05:44

Thousands march for LGBT equality in Polish capital

Thousands marched through central Warsaw on Saturday in an "Equality Parade" demanding an end to discrimination against the LGBT community, amid what campaigners say has been a rising tide of homophobia in Poland in recent years.
2021-06-20 15:05:44

Hungary PM 'scraps Euros visit' amid German LGBT row with Uefa

The decision comes amid anger that Uefa will not allow the Munich stadium to light up in rainbow colours.
2021-06-23 15:06:25

Euro 2020: Fans make pro-LGBT protest at Germany-Hungary football game

Rainbow flags were flown at the match, after Uefa banned the arena from lighting up in the colours.
2021-06-23 23:06:03

WWII code-breaker makes history on UK currency

The scientist Alan Turing helped end WWII by deciphering Nazi messages. In the 1950s, the UK convicted him under Victorian-era homophobic laws. Today, his legacy is being celebrated with an artwork and by making Turing the face of Britain's new ?50 note.
2021-06-24 13:05:51

Dutch PM Rutte: No place in EU for Hungary with anti-LGBT law

Mark Rutte's comments came at the start of an EU summit as several leaders criticised Hungary's law.
2021-06-24 20:06:18

Hungary 'has no place in the EU anymore,' Dutch leader says

Hungary "has no place" in the European Union after passing a controversial new bill banning LGBTQ content in schools, Dutch Prime Minister Mark Rutte said on Thursday.
2021-06-25 00:05:40

Malaysia seeks stricter sharia laws for 'promoting LGBT lifestyle'

A Malaysian government task force on Friday proposed amendments to sharia law that would allow action to be taken against social media users for insulting Islam and "promoting the LGBT lifestyle."
2021-06-25 10:05:41

Pride month: Five stories from around the world

From Canada to Uganda, people are celebrating Pride, both as a protest for LGBT rights and as a party.
2021-06-27 02:06:14

Nem tetszenek az EU-nak a lengyel ?LMBTQ-mentes? övezetek

Európai Bizottság jogi lépéseket fontolgat Lengyelország ellen az ottani helyi hatóságok által létrehozott ?LMBTQ-mentes? zónák miatt ? írja a Reuters bizottsági forrásokra hivatkozva. Az Európai Unió alapelvei szerint az LMBTQ-jogokat minden tagállamban tiszteletben kell tartani, de a lengyel populista kormánypárt már évek óta kormányzati szintre emelte a melegellenes politikát. Ehhez idén Magyarország is felzárkózott, például az egyedülállók örökbefogadási lehetőségét korlátozó, februárban megjelent kormányrendelettel, amely az erről való döntést Novák Katalin családokért felelős miniszter ...
2021-06-30 17:05:57

Milyen büntetést kap a szurkoló, aki szivárványos zászlóval szaladt a pályára?

A bajor tartományi belügyminiszternál panaszolta fel Szijjártó Péter azt a szurkólót aki szivárványszínű zászlót lengetve rohant a pályára Münchenben a német-magyar Eb-meccsen a magyar himnusz alatt. Az akciót hangos tetszésnyilvánítás fogadta a lelátóról. A müncheni stadionban a nézők között is sokan lengettek szivárványos zászlót, így kifejezve tiltekozásukat a homofób pedofíltörvény miatt. Az MTI szerint a magyar külgazdasági és külügyminiszter Joachim Herrmann tartományi belügyminiszternek címzett levelében arról érdeklődik, hogy milyen büntetést kapott a szurkoló. Az állami hírügynökség ...
2021-06-30 19:05:55

US embassy in Warsaw publishes video condemning LGBT hate

A video titled #WordsMatter highlights hateful messages left under posts about equality.
2021-06-30 19:06:14

LGBT+ campaigners in Georgia call off pride march after office attack

LGBT+ campaigners in Georgia called off plans to stage a pride march on Monday after violent groups opposed to the event stormed and ransacked their office in the capital Tbilisi and targeted activists and journalists.
2021-07-05 16:05:42

Georgia: Tbilisi Pride cancelled amid violent protests

Protesters stormed LGBT offices and attacked journalists ahead of the planned march in Tbilisi.
2021-07-05 16:06:56

LGBT+ activists in Republic of Georgia call off pride march after office attack

LGBT+ campaigners in Georgia called off plans to stage a pride march on Monday after violent groups opposed to the event stormed and ransacked their office in the capital Tbilisi and targeted activists and journalists.
2021-07-05 17:05:42

LGBT+ campaigners in Georgia call off pride march after office attack

LGBT+ campaigners in Georgia called off plans to stage a pride march on Monday after violent groups opposed to the event stormed and ransacked their office in the capital Tbilisi and targeted activists and journalists.
2021-07-05 18:05:41

LGBT+ campaigners in Georgia call off pride march after office attack

LGBT+ campaigners in Georgia called off plans to stage a pride march on Monday after violent groups opposed to the event stormed and ransacked their office in the capital Tbilisi and targeted activists and journalists.
2021-07-05 18:05:42

Georgia: Tbilisi Pride cancelled as far-right protesters burn rainbow flags

LGBT activists cancel a Pride event after violent far-right protests in Georgia's capital Tbilisi.
2021-07-05 21:06:16

Wechat deletes dozens of university LGBT accounts in China

WeChat has deleted more than a dozen LGBT accounts run by university students, sparking fears that safe spaces for China's sexual and gender minorities are going to shrink even further.
2021-07-07 14:05:40

China divided as WeChat deletes LGBT accounts from platform

Dozens of LGBT social media accounts run by university students,were deleted without explanation.
2021-07-08 08:06:17

WeChat deletes dozens of university LGBT accounts in China

WeChat has deleted more than a dozen LGBT accounts run by university students, sparking fears that safe spaces for China's sexual and gender minorities are going to shrink even further.
2021-07-08 10:05:42

EU increases pressure on Hungary over LGBT law

Hungary's new law bans the depiction or promotion of homosexuality and gender change to under-18s.
2021-07-08 14:06:23

China's LGBTQ community is fading from rainbow to gray

Editor's note: CNN has launched the Meanwhile in China newsletter, a three-times-a-week update exploring what you need to know about the country's rise and how it impacts the world. Sign up here.
2021-07-09 08:05:41

Hungary plans referendum on law criticized by EU as homophobic

Hungary's right-wing populist Prime Minister Viktor Orbán has proposed a referendum on the country's controversial new LGBTQ law. The move is in response to the European Union which lambasted the new measure by the member state.
2021-07-21 17:05:39


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